How to secure your personal data
69% of people fear for the safety of their data
What is this data?
- Logins & passwords for online accounts
- Personal photos & videos
- Resume
- Financial Credentials
- Vehicle registration number
- Geo-location data
- Address book
- Phone number
- Passport number & ID number
- Home address
- 91% of users with connected devices bank online
- 87% of people use social networks
- 65% of people store personal photos & videos on their tablets
- 25% of people store passwords to personal accounts (email, social networks, etc.) on mobile devices
What do criminals do with this data?
- Scam your contacts (phone number & personal data on relatives)
- Hack your device (theft of personal photos, videos & messages, blackmailing)
- Steal money (credentials for financial accounts & phone number)
- Burglary, car theft (location, vehicle registration number & home address)
- Insurance & bank loan fraud (passport number & ID number)
How to protect yourself and your family from personal data hunters
- Maintain an air of mystery: don’t share too much about yourself in public
- Be a cautious parent: prevent your children from sharing sensitive data with their friends online
- Become an advanced user: a proven multi-device protection solution will keep your personal data secure on all your devices
- Use 2FA(Two Factor Authentication) on all websites that allow it